The Götaälvbron needs to be replaced, so the construction of the New Hisingsbron is now in full swing. We at Tunga Lyft love bridges, and are of course involved in their construction.
The supporting steel main beams of the Götaälv bridge have aged and become brittle over the years. All loads, including pedestrian traffic, strong winds and changes in temperature. This has affected the bridge that has connected Gothenburg since 1939.
This means that the Götaälvbron needs to be monitored around the clock in order to immediately detect any changes in the structure. Rebuilding the bridge would mean replacing virtually the entire bridge, so Hisingsbron is being built instead.
Earlier this summer, we assisted in lifting 4 pylons on site, which weighed 94 tons each and were 32 meters high. They were loaded on a barge that was towed out, and we were then able to help one of our industry colleagues lift them into place using one of their large mobile cranes.
The challenge with this type of mission – when there are very high things to be lifted – is always the weather, as the work is greatly hampered if the wind is too strong.
We were lucky most days though, there was only one day when it was a bit too windy so we had to postpone the work. But this is not a problem for us at Tunga Lyft – we work at night instead.
According to the timetable, Hisingsbron will open for cars, buses, cyclists and pedestrians in spring 2021, and during the summer, tracks will be laid for trams. It is therefore expected to open to all types of traffic in autumn 2021.