Or ok – we help grind up mountains, if you want to be picky.
At Henriksdalsberget, a hole needs to be drilled to facilitate the passage of pipes and other items into the tunnel below. And, to get as straight a result as possible, it should be drilled from below. In this method, a drilling rig is mounted above, which is then connected to the drill bit. The powerful drill then spins three times a minute, slowly pushing the rock apart.
It may sound simple, but getting that drill bit down was not the easiest thing to do. The drill bit itself weighed 10 tons, but it also had to be mounted on several parts, bringing the total weight to more than 20 tons. In addition, the tunnel was sloping downwards and had a ceiling height of only 2.30 m, but we solved this by using two trucks that could pull and brake from each side.
Another successful mission safely accomplished!