Here you can see the underside of one of the bridges over the Öreälven river between Umeå and Nordmaling. We at Tunga Lyft, together with Gullängets Mekaniska verkstad, have been tasked with making it even stronger.
New laws and regulations, combined with increasingly heavy loads, mean that many bridges in Sweden need to be upgraded.
Our role is to handle and bring up long plates in place under the bridge, which is very challenging due to the size of the plates in combination with the tight space.
This type of work is planned to a certain extent, but then adjusted along the way using chain locks, throwing blocks, winches and jacks to achieve the best possible end result.
Then the bridge bearings will also be replaced, which means that we will have to use jacks to lift the 120-meter-long bridge at both ends, and the entire work is expected to take about 2 months.