Few – at least those living in Stockholm – have probably missed the fact that Slussen is undergoing a major change and development. The aim is to create a safe and efficient intersection where public transport can take more space.
We at Tunga Lyft have already been involved in several steps, most recently in a corrective lift of a bridge that has been extended by casting an extra part. The current bridge would remain in the same location, and the only change was therefore in the height where it needed to be raised on one side.
An important step to enable the continued construction of the new bus terminal.
The tight space made the rigging a little more complex, but the real challenge was that the top points of the jacks were 12 meters up, and the heaviest ones weigh around 360 kilograms.
We solved this by putting beams in the existing structure and scaffolding, and then got the jacks up using chain winches, before the lift could be carried out.
Equipment for the bridge lift:
Jacks with a total lifting capacity of over 3000 tons.
Synchronous hydraulic pump