Work on the railway bridge over the E18 continues. The first part was completed in summer 2019, and everything is expected to be fully completed by summer 2020…
The railway bridge is part of the Mälarbanan and is located a little north of Västerås central. The change itself is being made to enable the line to cope with heavier traffic, and the fact that there are two tracks means that trains can continue to pass while the bridge is gradually replaced.
The route is a very important transportation route for special transports. It carries, for example, timber, steel and transformers, and today the heavier transports are diverted along other routes.
We at Tunga Lyft have helped raise the bridge, move it sideways and then lower it. The new bridge is then built next to it, and here we put it up on beams so that it is laid down in its form and cast, and then remove the beams again before it is lowered into the bridge foundation.
The total weight was a whopping 1000 tons, and we used climbing jacks and regular jacks to do the work. The big challenge, however, was the wind, as it has been quite windy during the work and the bridge stood at a height on narrow pistons. So we had to adapt our working hours to the wind strength, but we are used to that.